An Anticlimactic Story

One day, while playing my N64, i felt the sudden urge to play Super Mario World, so i decided to grab the cartridge from my shelf of games, and plop it into the system.
It started up fairly normal, with the exception that the music was slightly lower pitched. I then decided to start a new game, and already it started to look strange.
The water was green, and the trees were completely gone. The ground also oozed a strange, red substance that can only be assumed to be lava.
I started the first level, preparing myself for whatever i would have to face in this journey of mine.
The level started in a toxic powerplant, of all things. The monsters in there looked horribly deformed, and made noises even the bravest of souls would fe-
...Wait, what?
My system crashed right then and there, and it actually started to smoke.
"SHIT!" i said, running into the kitchen to grab my fire extinguisher and putting it out.
I looked at the system, seeing if it could be salvaged. Unfortunately, it was damaged beyond repair, both due to the fire and my frenzied panic.
"Y'know, what?" I said, having enough at this point.
"Fuck this."
I then proceeded to glitch out of existence, leaving nothing behind.